Prof. Wilson Adoh PhD.ThD.DCC.
Message from the President
Bethel Christian University is a place where callings are actualized. Your knowledge and idea about the word of GOD, and the Ministry would be greatly enhanced. Many great men and women of GOD will be produced by this University. The knowledge you will acquire would be relevant to your calling in the ministry. The President was the founder of Christian Faith Theological Seminary Inc. and managed and trained many ministers of God for over 30 years. Expect some good programs coming out from here.
The University is open to everyone irrespective of whether you are called as an Evangelist, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, Sanctuary worker or whatever. The most important thing is for you to desire to be trained, and ready to learn. When you enroll and starts the training, you would in due course, discover your area of calling. Are you considering taking any of our courses, then you are making one of your greatest life choices and decision that will move you to your destiny in life and ministry
The University is meant for serious-minded people, who are ready and know what they are actually coming to do. We are the Ultimate in Ministerial Training. Thanks for taking the time to visit our site and we pray that the good LORD will bless you and direct you to the right course and program of your choice. If there is any question, please feel free to call, or write us an email. We are looking forward to hear from you soon.
Thanks and God bless.
Prof. Wilson Adoh, PhD, ThD. DRE, D.Min. DCC.
(A Graduate College of Theology and Ministry)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15