Bethel Christian University is an Independent Theological University, therefore it depends solely on the support of Christian groups and individuals for its financial needs. We have faith partners who share with our vision and give on a regular basis for the support of the University, while others give as they are led by God from time to time.

Partner with University
A partner is a person who realizes the importance of answering the call of Jesus Christ concerning world evangelization. Not everybody will go to the mission field, some will support those that should go. A partner of this University is a volunteer, a person who loves and wants to win souls and knows the law of sowing and reaping (2 Cor. 9:6-10). A partner is a person who regularly make gifts to the University.
Make a Gift !!
If somebody makes a gift it’s, simply because he or she understood that, there is more joy to give and that, it is important to support the work of the Lord. A partner understands the blessings which is bound to this act of faith. Your donation allows the Lord to move in your life. Resources come from our partner’s faithful gifts, offerings and donations made to this University.
You remember the story in Acts 9:25 when fellow Christians held the rope for Apostle Paul to escape down the wall in a basket. They did not know then that God would use Paul to reach out to the Gentiles and write a major part of the New Testament Scriptures, and the hand of Moses was held also by the Elders in Israel during their wars. If those fellows had not held the rope for Paul, perhaps you and I would not have the gospel to preach today. Thank God for men and women who will help when help is needed. We need your help by holding this rope of this University’s basket in order to fulfill the great commission of training God’s army for the kingdom.
To all genuinely concerned individuals and organizations, we plead with you to share in the genuine vision of training an army of the Lord by being part of the University, lifting it high up together by considering donating to the University, we will appreciate that you act by filling out the donation form. or write a check in the name of the University and forward it to the address at the Home page.
Before I conclude, let me remind you that God has given you a wonderful opportunity to open your life up to great things through His miracle of Seed Faith. When you plant a seed to God in His work, and through His love in your heart reaching out to others, you are in line for miracles that will come at just the right time. This is His promises in Gal. 6:7-9. You will reap through the seed you sow. Your harvest will come, if you do not give up on it! As we pray towards this, I will be looking forward to hear from you soon.

(A Graduate College of Theology and Ministry)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15